Spring 2023 finally without masks?

PPE Germany - Spring without mask

In times of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of masks has proven to be an important measure to protect against infection with the virus. Spring is in the offing and 2023 should see the population without a general mask requirement. Only visitors to doctors, hospitals and nursing homes will continue to be required to wear masks, the health ministers have agreed. 

Prevention, protective measures for self-protection and protection of others are the focus here. „The protective effect of masks includes the aspect of personal protective measures, self-protection and third-party protection to protect other people from infections caused by wearing them,“ says Max Leber, managing director of PPE Germany GmbH from Berlin. The expert heads the company PPE Germany, which produces 45 million masks per month.  

Can wearing masks help slow the spread of disease and thus save lives? This question has been long and widely discussed, researched and has been the cause of numerous studies, explains Max Leber, managing director of Berlin-based PPE Germany GmbH. The fact that the wearing of a mask was not the only reason for fewer respiratory diseases, proves in the meantime many renowned investigations. Overall, all measures such as keeping a distance, ventilation and the hygiene measures together with the wearing of masks must be observed.

Opportunities for new pandemic challenges and the public health system

„After the COVID 19 pandemic, is before the next pandemic“ – the pandemic has changed everyday life and work. Respirators have become an important protective tool to prevent the spread of disease and protect healthcare workers. Employees in dental and family practice offices, nursing facilities and hospitals want appropriate protection because of their proximity to patients. „There has been a shift in thinking because of the pandemic; the mask is perceived as a necessary piece of clothing,“ says Max Leber. Mask wearers do not find every mask comfortable and complain of nasal pain, headaches and even shortness of breath. But also earache or hearing loss, as well as the strain on voice and communication, are mentioned again and again. Especially the not always pleasant smell of the mask is complained about. Often the materials used, such as fleece and glue, are to blame for this, causing irritation of the nose or headaches. PPE Germany GmbH has further developed the FFP2 masks under these challenges. „As a type 2 medical face mask, Dodo Air Medical has CE approval as well as medical approval, is particularly skin-friendly due to the special inner layer with meltblown, has elastic ear straps for maximum comfort. The feedback from Dodo Air Medical mask wearers is that they are convinced by the extremely pleasant wearing comfort,“ explains Max Leber. 

Max Leber - FFP2 Mask comfort

FFP2 masks for third-party and self-protection

In particular, occupational groups such as medical staff, nurses and others who work in close contact with patients need to be adequately protected because of their proximity to potentially infectious aerosols. However, other industries also focus on occupational safety and health protection through respiratory protection at work, which is ideal for most industries and applications where protection from particles is required, for example, dust and fibers, FFP2 masks make an important contribution to worker protection.

Does an FFP2 mask protect against viruses? 

Numerous studies by the Max Planck Society have shown that well-fitting FFP2 masks reduce the risk at least into the per thousand range. In particular, FFP2 masks, which have a higher filtration efficiency than conventional surgical masks, help protect both the wearer and others around him or her from infection.

Viruses are airborne and can be spread through coughing, sneezing and talking. By wearing a respirator, droplets containing the virus can be prevented from becoming airborne and infecting others. In addition, wearing masks prevents the wearer from becoming infected by breathing in contaminated droplets.

The expert Max Leber honestly: „Respirators alone do not offer a 100 percent guarantee against infections“. It’s the mix that does it. Studies during the Corona pandemic have shown that mask use should be practiced in conjunction with other preventive measures, such as regular hand washing and spacing, to minimize the risk of virus transmission.

Research institutions have concluded that wearing a well-fitting respirator is a contributor to risk minimization. Max Leber proudly, medical staff and caregivers benefit from our products due to the quality leap in occupational safety. „Very important for everyday work is the issue of safety with wearing comfort for the wearer,“ says Max Leber. In everyday working life, wearing masks for hours is realistic and this poses great challenges for employees. PPE Germany specializes in effective protection with wearer comfort. FFP2 mask Dodo Air Medical convinces with a more than 97 percent filtering performance and ensures an extremely pleasant wearing comfort due to low breathing resistance. Max Leber continues that the flat design allows the product to be stored in a space-saving manner. „Due to the shape of the front, the mask’s form stability is increased, while the elastic ear loops allow effortless adjustment to the face and head.“ The extra-high-performance filter layer guarantees protection against harmful substances, such as dust, smoke and aerosols. However, it is important that the masks are used and disposed of correctly to maximize effectiveness.

Respirators in Europe

Protective masks, especially in a clinical context, have been around in Europe for a long time. In Europe, many companies have started production of respirators, especially during the pandemic, to meet the growing demand for protective equipment. Germany, Europe’s most populous country, ranked first in Europe among buyers of FFP2 masks and surgical masks from the Chinese market. During the pandemic, there were supply disruptions and shortages, so a production site for FFP2 masks was realized in Germany, for example by PPE-Germany GmbH in Berlin, with more than 45 million masks per month. „Our success story was born out of necessity in 2020, when the demand for respirators in Germany could not be guaranteed. Since the start of production in December 2020, our machines and production have not stood still to ensure the supply of protective equipment to the population,“ says Max Leber. By manufacturing respirators „Made in Germany“, supply chains can be maintained, bottlenecks and disruptions can be minimized, therefore PPE-Germany GmbH sees an expansion for Europe as a great advantage to be prepared for the next challenges. „On the one hand, independent production covers the demand for respirators domestically and at the same time reduces dependence on imports from other countries,“ says Max Leber. This results in reliable and constant access to protective equipment.

„Learning from the past“ in this case means that by producing quality respirators in Europe, the supply of protective equipment is ensured and dependencies are reduced. Max Leber of PPE-Germany is convinced that by adhering to stricter production standards, respirators manufactured in Europe are a good basis for new challenges such as pandemics. Nevertheless, we look forward to a spring without mandatory masks.



Viktoria successfully studied health economics with a specialization in hospital and pharmacy management. Her interests relate to nutritional sciences, public health and digital development in the healthcare industry. The blog akopjan-health.de offers numerous topics around health and corporate health management. In the field of human resources development, she is gaining experience for change in digital transformation. You can reach us at www.abowi.com


PPE Germany GmbH
Mertensstr. 63-115
13587 Berlin

Tel: +49 30 202366380
Email: anfrage@ppegermany.de
Web: https://ppegermany.de 

Contact: Max Leber, GF and Sales

Press contact:

PPE Germany GmbH
Mertensstr. 63-115
13587 Berlin

Tel: +49 30 202366380
Mail: presse@ppegermany.de
Web: https://ppegermany.de 

Company Description:

PPE Germany GmbH, based in Berlin, are specialists in respiratory protection Made in Germany. PPE Germany is one of the major European mask producers for high quality FFP2 masks and started production in 2020 to ensure the supply of protective equipment to the population. PPE Germany protects the health of people who have to work and live in complicated air conditions for example viral contamination, hospital germ contamination, bacterial contamination, dust, fibers (e.g. due to mineral wool), industrial fumes, fine dust. All PPE Germany products are certified and subject to the most stringent testing standards. For more information, visit: https://ppegermany.de

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