Spring 2023 finally without masks?

PPE Germany - Spring without mask

In times of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of masks has proven to be an important measure to protect against infection with the virus. Spring is in the offing and 2023 should see the population without a general mask requirement. Only visitors to doctors, hospitals and nursing homes will continue to be required to wear […]

Preventive health care through masks: Even the original mother of the healing arts Hildegard von Bingen knew protective measures against diseases

PPE Germany GmbH - Preventive health

Better health care is a global trend, with major disease crises often accelerating developments. In recent years, during the global Corona pandemic, research into effective protective measures has been carried out successfully under high pressure, and products such as masks have been massively improved, explains Max Leber, Managing Director of Berlin-based PPE Germany GmbH in […]

Maskenherstellung von PPE Germany in Berlin für Europa

In der Corona-Pandemie erlangten Atemschutzmasken eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Eindämmung des Virus. Europaweit ist die Nachfrage nach qualitativ hochwertigen Masken stark gestiegen. Das Berliner Unternehmen PPE Germany hat aus der Not heraus es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, dieser gestiegenen Nachfrage gerecht zu werden und hochwertige Atemschutzmasken herzustellen. Dabei setzt das Unternehmen auf innovative Technologien […]